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Archangel Raphael

Introduction to Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael, "God Heals," is associated with healing, protection, and travel. Raphael offers deep insights related to the healing of body, mind, and spirit to all who ask. A powerful protector as well, Archangel Raphael can alert you to danger and ward off negative entities.

In both Christianity and Judaism, Archangel Raphael is one of the seven archangels mentioned in the sacred text. In the Book of Tobit, Archangel Raphael helps Tobias with safe travel and healing his father's blindness. As well, Raphael protected the Israelites during their Exodus from Egypt.

In Islam, Archangel Raphael is known as Israfil. Israfil is responsible for blowing the trumpet on the Day of Judgment. He is also said to be the angel who will resurrect the dead.

My personal experience



Connecting with Archangel Raphael

Channeled Message

Prayer for Heart Healing in a time of Chaos or Sorrow


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